How to Create and Submit Tickets

Creating a Ticket Using the “IT Support” Icon

1. Locate the IT Support icon

On the bottom right corner of your screen (by the clock) click the arrow to expand you tray. Once in your tray, locate the IT Support computer icon.

2. Create a Ticket

Next, select “Create Service Ticket” from the menu.

3. Fill Out Your Ticket

The “Create Service Ticket” window will launch. Describe the issue you are having with your computer.

4. Submit Your Ticket

Once you’ve explained the issue, click “Send” to submit your ticket. All support requests must have a ticket submitted into the queue. Once submitted, we will assign your ticket to the next available technician.

If you are unable to locate the tray icon or are having trouble with it, please email us directly. Your email will become your support ticket

You can also submit a ticket using te methods below. 

Check out our video to learn more!

IT Support Icon

Use the computer icon located in the bottom right of your screen, next to your clock. This is the most convenient way to contact us!


Send us an email providing a detailed description of your problem, device number, and best phone number to call you.

Chat with a Tech

Have a quick question or want to just reach out to us? Click on the icon above to get started!

Text Us

Now you can text us at 401-324-1128 to create a ticket. A technician will create and submit your ticket to our queue.