What Are Managed IT Services?

Our Managed IT Services technicians work to resolve your IT problems so you don’t have to!

We provide managed IT support services in Estero, SWFL. With our managed IT services you can reduce your overall costs while increasing your productivity. Say goodbye to constant network and computer problems because we are there proactively ensuring that issues don’t happen in the first place.

What are Managed IT Services?

Managed IT Services allow businesses to outsource their daily technology management to an IT company. By paying a monthly fee, your business receives unlimited IT support and monitoring from a team of qualified technicians.

Why Choose Manged IT Services?

Small and mid-sized businesses need help when it comes to managing their technology. Managed IT services are an efficient and cost-effective way to stay up-to-date with your technology.

Proactive Support

Managed IT services offer proactive support and monitoring of your business’ networks and devices. Our technicians actively identify problems before they happen, keeping your systems up and running.



One of the biggest benefits of manages IT services is the ability to fix issues before they negatively impact your business. Managed IT services help you to save money by minimizing costly problems and downtime.

Managed Services

“Office Solutions” Is IT Support Done Right!

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What Does Our Managed IT Service Plan Offer?

24/7/365 Maintenance
Your business relies on technology. Keep it under control with our “Office Solutions” Managed Services plan. Stop worrying about anti-virus, backups, updates, patches and all the routine maintenance. We have IT covered.
On-sites Included

Unlike most IT companies that charge you when a technician goes onsite, we won’t charge you! With our plans, you won’t pay extra when a technician is dispatched to your location.

Dedicated Professionals

Not only do our clients receive support from our entire team of professionals, but they also receive their own Account Manager. This person is their direct contact for special requests, questions, and projects. Our focus is quality support with a personal touch.


Sick of getting billed for every little thing from other IT companies? Stop guessing at what your IT budget is. Our Office Solutions plan offers all-inclusive service during normal business hours. If you ever need emergency, after hours support we offer reasonable rates so you can feel comfortable getting the support you need.

Security Oriented
Our company is security oriented.  All of our technicians are required to pass background checks. Our client backups are encrypted, both locally and in the cloud. We help our clients incorporate safe practices within their business by providing Acceptable Use Policy (AUPs) templates. We also educate them on why such measures are necessary to keep their business safe.

Don’t Take Our Word For It…Take Theirs!

Testimonials From Current Clients Using Our Managed IT Services

Nick Bernfeld happened to come into our office for an eye exam. While he was there he discovered we were having issues with our server. It had been down for almost two weeks causing us severe difficulties. Nick immediately showed his concern for our business and let us know he owned his own IT service company and offered to help us out. Nick assured us he could have us back up and running in 48 hours and was genuinely concerned about the welfare of our office.

Nick and his team came in our office and true to his word we were quickly up and running. Then he reviewed our entire operation and formulated a plan for our needs. He prioritized them so we could systematically improve our entire system. Now I don’t worry about proper backups, hardware or software issues, virus and malware protection or compliance with new government regulations. They are on top of it.

I was (and still am) impressed by the level of care IT Support SWFL provides. How quickly they learn the software we have that is specific to eye care. They have become an essential partner to us and I would wholeheartedly recommend them to anyone who needs IT services.  They respond quickly and fix the problem the first time.  We have now used Nick and his team since 2012. We consistently experience an outstanding level of service and dedication from Nick and his entire team no matter how big or small the problem is. I could not recommend a better IT support company.

Jim Boccuzzi

Founder, O.D and F.A.A.O , Killingly Eye Care, Danielson, CT

In 2014, we realized the tech we had for many years was no longer enough to support the computers and network at all my locations. I was very happy with him but he was one man trying to do it all. When I had multiple locations having tech issues at the same time, he couldn’t be in two places at once. He also was not properly trained in IT. He was someone that worked in my business and knew enough to get us by when there was an issue. After a few Google searches, I found IT Support SWFL. I called and scheduled an onsite evaluation. They met with me and checked out all my stores.

I was so impressed with the professionalism and considerate attitude of Paul, Nick and the entire team that I decided to take them on. They worked with my tech guy to transition into their maintenance plan. When it came time to clean, update, reprogram and reconfigure the registers, networks and servers at all my stores, a team of six techs, including Nick and Paul were on call and ready to work. They worked with us to do it after our stores closed to avoid any business downtime. As we transitioned to a new Point of Sales software, they worked with our new software vendor. For the past year, any speed bump I have run into with technology, I have had IT Support SWFL there to take control and get me out of a jam. I have never met such a team of eager and enthusiastic individuals. I know how to run my business and they know how to run my technology. I personally recommend that any business looking to get their IT under control to contact IT Support SWFL.

Chris Gasbarro

Owner, Chris Gasbarro's Fine Wine and Spirits, Seekonk, MA

Ready To Get Your IT Support Under Control?

Don’t get stressed out by technology. Our “Office Solutions” Managed Services Plan can keep you focused on your business.

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