The FBI Needs You to Reboot Your Router

Your privacy and network security are at risk. Government officials issued a warning about a recently discovered piece of Russian malware. The FBI, Department of Homeland Security, and the Department of Justice are encouraging any internet users to reboot their...

4 Steps To Finding Your Company’s Diamonds In The Rough

Executives are always looking to inject “fresh blood” into their teams. They’re on the hunt for shiny new talent to be that secret ingredient their organizations are missing. But in my numerous coaching sessions with entrepreneurs and leaders across the country, I...

Technology Spotlight: Apple HomePod

Apple finally joined Google and Amazon in the home assistant race, with their latest release, the Apple HomePod. If you’re an Apple person, and you swear by all Apple products, then this device is for you! This Siri speaker is said to offer the best sound quality,...

Increase Capacity: Expanding Your Skill And Confidence

You and I know what is probable, but we seldom understand what is possible. Andrew Shapiro is an example of someone who blew past “probable” and set a new standard for “possible.” Inspired by his father’s triumphant battle with cancer, Shapiro committed himself to...